sponsorship (product placement)

Sponsorship: (product placement)

What is the purpose of the music video?
-To advertise the brand that is sponsoring the video
-To promote OK GO

Who sponsors it?
- Chevy Sonic sponsors the video

Why did ok go agree to this? What is their view on music video?
-"I like the idea of doing videos that are live recordings. it helps break down the idea that these are all distinct forms of are." - kulash said about being sponsored by Chevy Sonic and how he used the car to complete his idea.

Which companies have sponsored Ok Go worked with so far?
-Land rover, samsung, and state farm insurance.

How much sponsorship did they receive from the company?
- $500,000 to $1million

What did the sponsorship buy?
-Couple of Sonics, including one modified by an L.A. movie car shop with a variety of outlaws swinging arms that are operated by a pneumatic trunk cylinder, plus a mechanically deployed T-bar on the roof to jangle overhead chimes. It also paid to set up the band in a Van Nuys, California, and warehouse for two months while they and an acoustical engineer from MIT worked out the instruments, cadence, and course layout. 

Where was the filming location and how many separate location set-ups did the production team need to create?
-A remote canyon ranch off the highway connecting L.A.
-On a 2 mile course of the canyon
-There were 11 different set ups

How long did the video take to film?

-It took 4 days worth of filming to complete the video, to make sure they got it right and to make sure that it displayed the sponsors and product placement.


  1. Again, these responses are not the level of detail required. Some of them are incorrect too. The band is called OK Go, not Kulash, he is the lead singer.

    You need to go back over these, do not cut and paste and make sure that you have demonstrated good attention to detail. This needs completing as soon as possible.

    Mrs E

    1. i went over my work and i corrected the mistakes i made i also updated and tried to add a lot more detail


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