Film revenue

Film revenue:

What is the film called?

What was the kick-starter project for?
-The kick-starter project was for the film so that it got enough money for the budget that they needed to create the film, eternity fees, sound mixing, colour correction, travel and lodging fees, film festive submission fees. It was used to raise finishing funds for the film
How long did they spend developing the concept?
-It took 3 weeks to develop the concept

How many days do the most successful campaigns run for?
-30 days long

What figure did they decide on?

How did they promote the project?
-Social media
-Family and friends
-Mental health groups
-Facebook Groups

What is the pyramid marketing structure?
-1% - those who are interested and invested
-9% - are interested but not invested
-90% - will lurk


  1. You have correctly responded to the questions.
    For revision, add on a paragraph explaining what Kickstarter actually is and how it can help in pre-production.


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