creative europe and weareukfilm

Creative Europe:

What they do:
-They host events and attended events across the UK.
-Organise their own free seminars and workshops about creative Europe.
-They attend conferences, festival, and markets.
-Funding available through Creative Europe for professionals and organizations --in creative, cultural and audiovisual sectors.

How they help:
-The media sub program supports organisations working in film, television and new media, and offers funding, training and networking opportunities for:
   Video game developers
   Sales agents
   Audiovisual training providers
   Organisers of festivals, markets and networks
   Film education specialists
   Cinema exhibitors

Through Creative Europe's MEDIA sub-programme, €40 million was invested in the UK's audiovisual sector: 113 UK companies and 55 UK cinemas in the Europa Cinemas network benefitted directly from grants totaling €22 million, and 115 British films had their distribution supported in other European countries with €18 million of investment.
Through Creative Europe's Culture sub-programme, 115 cultural, creative and heritage organisations in the UK benefitted from €15 million.

Through Creative Europe's cross-sector strand, four organisations in the UK benefitted from €1.5 million through the European Creative Hubs network and Refugee Integration Projects.

We are UK film.

What they do:
They are a source of funding for films

Who do they fund:
-The BFI (the lead agency for film in the UK)
-BBC films
-Film 4
-Creative England fund
-Creative scotland
-Northern Ireland screen
-Film London
-FFILM Cymru Wales
-Creative Europe desk UK


  1. These notes do not demonstrate an understanding of Creative Europe, they are mostly cut and paste and you have not made notes that are useful with regard to what is needed for the video. You should also have notes from the other websites.

    Mrs E

  2. Please also paste the URL links for each website.
    Miss C


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